The price for one hectare of hunting ground rose above EUR 2 at RMK’s hunting permit auction 28.03

The RMK auction for big game hunting permits for this hunting season turned out to be more competitive and more successful than last year’s auction. Bids were made for all 20 hunting districts, with the average price for one hectare of hunting ground being EUR 2.17. With the auction, RMK earned more than EUR 300 000 that will be shared with land owners who allow hunting on their registered immovables.

“There was a lot of interest in this year’s auction and the bids from the hunters turned out to be nearly 1.35 times higher than the starting price,” noted Tiit Timberg, Member of the Management Board of RMK, adding that, besides the bid sum, the winner of the auction also has to pay for the hunting permits. The winner of the auction can hunt in the hunting district during one season, hunting game according to the prescribed age and gender ratio.

All rights, responsibilities and restrictions related to hunting will be specified in the contracts concluded with the winners of the auction. Tiit Timberg noted that effective owner supervision will be provided this hunting season as well, “RMK employees will make regular inspection visits to monitor that the hunting provisions are being followed correctly. RMK requires big game being hunted to be tagged with single-use, numbered and non-reusable tags. Also, immediately after catching the game and after the hunting permit runs out, the hunter has to send an SMS message to RMK’s message centre.”

According to Kalev Männiste, Hunting Chief Specialist at RMK, the average area of the hunting districts this year is 6,700 hectares with about a sixth of that being in private ownership. RMK will share the proceeds from the auction with the land owners on a proportional basis and thanks to successful sales this year it amounts, for the first time, to EUR 2 per hectare on average. This hunting year, RMK pays land owners who allow their registered immovables to be used for hunting the following fees per hunting district: Anguse EUR 1.13 per hectare, Jäärumetsa EUR 3.59 per hectare, Kilingi-Nõmme EUR 2.04 per hectare, Kuressaare EUR 4.99 per hectare, Nõva EUR 1.67 per hectare and Väätsa EUR 4.54 per hectare.

To advise RMK of your consent for the use of your private land for hunting purposes within the hunting areas managed by RMK, you need to e-mail to a letter stating your name, the numbers of your registered immovables / cadastral units and the number of the bank account into which you would like the fee for the use of land holdings for hunting purposes to be deposited. Kindly advise RMK of your consent by 1 September 2013, at the latest. Owners of private land who provided their consent last hunting season need not renew it this year, unless the owner of the registered immovables has changed.

For detailed information on the auction, go to RMK’s website at